March 26, 2021

With fresh Spring weather comes fresh, positive life changes and strategies for your healthiest year yet. For many of us, Spring feels like a new beginning, but we still need to shake some of those cold weather blahs to welcome in the new season. Here a few helpful tips on how you can kick winter blues to the curb.

1) Get on your feet! Warmer weather means more opportunities to get moving outdoors and soak up some sweet, sweet vitamin D. Having trouble motivating yourself to exercise? Start with something as simple as going for a walk to get the blood pumping, or doing some yard work. 

2) Declutter your life. Cleaning your home and work space can actually act as an excellent way to decrease stress. Consider donating things you no longer use around the house to freshen up your physical space. Empty out that closet and see if it’s time for anything to go. It’s healthy to say goodbye to things you no longer need!

3) Swap out some winter eating/drinking habits. It’s about that time we start focusing on becoming healthier for summer. Making a few easy adjustments can cultivate a much cleaner lifestyle. Try a non-alcoholic craft beer like Libra instead of the usually heavy IPA, or a fresh seasonal fruit instead of those winter comfort foods. 

4) Free up some space in your mind. Take some time to focus on your mental health and begin to let go of all things toxic. Whether it be toxic thoughts or relationships, setting yourself free of any negativity is such a refreshing way to start a new chapter. 

5) Pick up a new hobby! Winter is an easy time to settle into technology based habits, whether it be binging Netflix or going for a hefty scroll through your various social media feeds. Unplugging is a perfect way to clear your head and free up some time for new, fun activities. Try an outdoor sport or hobby - take up photography, or start a garden. 

Good luck, have fun and happy spring!